Hotel content request - in the contentFields, are there options in addition to below pasted from the request sample? What does “basic” include?
Hotel content request - in the contentFields, are there options in addition to below pasted from the request sample? What does “basic” include?
Posted by ZentrumHub Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 6 months ago
1. Hotel static content - is there an option to download static content on a regular basis, or does it have to be retrieved via the Get Hotel Content API as part of the booking workflow? There is some basic content that we need locally based on the way our product is architected today including hotel id, hotel name, hotel address, star rating, latitude/longitude, phone number.
Hotel static content - is there an option to download static content on a regular basis, or does it have to be retrieved via the Get Hotel Content API as part of the booking workflow? There is some basic content that we need locally based on the way our product is architected today including hotel id, hotel name, hotel address, star rating, latitude/longitude, phone number.
Posted by ZentrumHub Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 6 months ago